
44.666.201 ltda brasilia

44.666.201 LTDA: A Journey Cut Short

44.666.201 ltda brasilia


44.666.201 LTDA, a limited business company based in Brasília, Federal District, had a brief but eventful existence in the business world. Founded on December 22, 2021, the company embarked on its journey with aspirations of growth and success. However, unforeseen circumstances led to its untimely closure, leaving behind a trail of unrealized potential.

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Registration Information of 44.666.201 ltda brasilia

The company 44.666.201 LTDA held the following registration details:

  • CNPJ: 44.666.201/0001-06 – 44666201000106
  • Company Name: 44.666.201 LTDA
  • Opening Date: December 22, 2021 (1 year, 7 months, and 9 days prior to the consultation date)
  • Porte: Unframed (Size not specified)
  • Legal Nature: Limited Business Company
  • Option by MEI: No
  • Share Capital: R$ 1,215,752,192.00
  • Type: Matrix
  • Status: None
  • Cadastral Situation Data: December 22, 2021
  • Cadastral Situation Reason: Cancellation for Vícios (Cancellation due to irregularities or defects)

Contacts and Location of 44.666.201 ltda brasilia

The company could be contacted through the following information:

The company was located in Brasília, Federal District.

Activities – CNAES of 44.666.201 ltda brasilia

44.666.201 LTDA was engaged in the following main activity:

  • Main Activity: 64.62-0-00 – Holdings of non-financial institutions

Chart of Partners and Administrators of 44.666.201 ltda brasilia

The company was managed by Pedro Paulo Silvino Coelho, serving as the managing partner and administrator.

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About 44.666.201 ltda brasilia

44.666.201 LTDA, registered under the CNPJ 44.666.201/0001-06, commenced its operations on December 22, 2021, with aspirations to make a mark in the business landscape. Situated in the vibrant city of Brasília, the company’s primary activity, as per the Federal Revenue records, was holdings of non-financial institutions. However, despite its promising beginnings, unforeseen circumstances led to its eventual closure, as reflected in its null cadastral situation.


44.666.201 LTDA’s brief yet eventful journey serves as a reminder of the uncertainties and challenges that businesses can encounter. While it started with high hopes and significant capital, the company faced obstacles that ultimately led to its cancellation. Such experiences reinforce the importance of thorough planning, compliance, and adaptability for any business venture. Although 44.666.201 LTDA’s story came to an abrupt end, the lessons learned from its brief existence can serve as valuable insights for entrepreneurs seeking success in the competitive business world.

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