
45.325.425 ltda sao jose do egito

Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao: Illuminating the Path of Sustainable Engineering

45.325.425 ltda sao jose do egito

Registration Information Details
CNPJ 45.325.425/0001-09 – 45325425000109
Corporate Name 45.325.425 LTDA
Trade Name Dp2 Solar Energy and Construction
Opening Date 02/16/2022
Size Micro Company
Legal Nature Limited Company
MEI option No
Simple option Yes
Simple option date 02/16/2022
Share Capital BRL 80,000.00
Type Matrix
Status Active
Registration Status Date 02/16/2022
Contacts Details
Email (Send E-mail)
Phone(s) (87) 99600-7173 (Call) (Whatsapp)
Location Details
Address Rua Vital Lucas, 76
Neighborhood Vital Lucas
CEP 56700-000
Municipality Sao Jose do egito
State Pernambuco
For Correspondence
Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao 45.325.425 LTDA
Rua Vital Lucas, 76
Vital Lucas
Sao Jose do Egito PE
CEP: 56700-000
Activities – CNAES Details
Main 71.12-0-00 – Engineering Services
43.21-5-00 – Installation and electrical maintenance
47.42-3-00 – Retail sale of electrical material
41.20-4-00 – Construction of buildings
42.99-5-01 – Construction of sports and recreational facilities
74.90-1-04 – Intermediation activities and agency services and business in general, except real estate
42.92-8-02 – Industrial assembly works
43.30-4-01 – Waterproofing in civil engineering works
42.11-1-01 – Construction of roads and railways
42.92-8-01 – Assembly of metallic structures
43.11-8-01 – Demolition of buildings and other structures
43.22-3-01 – Hydraulic, sanitary and gas installations
43.30-4-04 – Building painting services in general
43.99-1-03 – Masonry works
42.13-8-00 – Urbanization works – streets, squares and sidewalks
43.91-6-00 – Foundation works
43.99-1-01 – Construction management
42.11-1-02 – Painting for signs on roadways and airports
42.99-5-99 – Other civil engineering works not previously specified
43.29-1-99 – Other installation works in buildings not previously specified
43.11-8-02 – Site preparation and land clearing
42.22-7-01 – Construction of water supply networks, sewage collection and related constructions, except irrigation works
42.21-9-02 – Construction of stations and electricity distribution networks
42.91-0-00 – Port, maritime, and river works
42.21-9-01 – Construction of dams and dams for electric power generation
43.99-1-05 – Drilling and construction of water wells
Board of Members and Administrators
Vinicius Siqueira da Silva Partner
Vitor Siqueira da Silva Managing Partner
Qualification of the person responsible for the company: Managing Partner
The company Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao with CNPJ 45.325.425/0001-09, founded on 02/16/2022 and with corporate name 45.325.425 LTDA, is located in the city of Sao Jose do Egito in the state of Pernambuco. Its main activity, according to the Federal Revenue, is 71.12-0-00 – Engineering services. Your registration status so far is Active.


In the heart of Sao Jose do Egito, Pernambuco, a beacon of sustainable engineering and solar prowess shines bright – Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao. With an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, this enterprise stands as a testament to the convergence of clean energy and cutting-edge construction.

Unraveling Registration Information

At the very core of this exceptional establishment lies meticulous registration information, exemplifying the essence of Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao. As a corporate entity, it proudly carries the identity of 45.325.425 LTDA. Operating under the trade name “Dp2 Solar Energy and Construction,” it epitomizes the union of renewable power and architectural brilliance.

A historic day of inception, the opening date of this visionary venture was the 16th of February, 2022. Today, with the passage of time, it stands tall, marking a journey of 1 year, 5 months, and 13 days, a testament to its dedication to sustainable engineering.

Dp2 proudly identifies itself as a Micro Company, a reflection of its agility and adaptability in embracing environmental consciousness. As a Limited Company (Sociedade Empresária Limitada), it forges ahead with a legal structure that ensures accountability and reliability.

In the realm of choices, Dp2 embraced the path of innovation by opting for the “Simple option,” a clear statement of its dedication to creating impactful solutions.

To shed light on this decision, the company’s embrace of the Simple option occurred on the 16th of February, 2022, signifying a commitment to simplifying processes without compromising on excellence.

The share capital of Dp2 stands firm at BRL 80,000.00, establishing a robust financial foundation to support its pursuit of engineering brilliance.

An intricate Matrix in itself, the company’s structure encompasses diversified dimensions, enhancing its ability to navigate through complexities with ease. Its Status, glowing with vibrancy, remains “Active,” signifying an entity driven by dedication and vision.

The date of registration status, the 16th of February, 2022, marks the official acknowledgment of Dp2’s brilliance, a milestone in its commitment to advancing sustainable engineering.

Contacts and Location: A Hub of Solar Progress

In the picturesque landscape of Sao Jose do Egito, where nature meets innovation, Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao stands tall as a testament to engineering brilliance. The elegance of its address, Rua Vital Lucas, No. 76, resonates with distinction, a focal point of progress and environmental responsibility.

Nestled within the vibrant neighborhood of Vital Lucas, the company thrives amidst an ambiance of collaboration and architectural excellence, shaping the very fabric of Pernambuco’s engineering landscape.

For correspondence, Dp2 may be reached at the following address:

Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao 45.325.425 LTDA Rua Vital Lucas, 76 Vital Lucas São José do Egypt PE CEP: 56700-000

A mere tap on Google Maps opens the gateway to this realm of sustainable engineering, where every project illuminates the path toward a greener future.

Activities & the Symphony of Sustainable Progress

In the symphony of sustainable engineering, Dp2 orchestrates a harmonious array of activities. At its core, it embraces the main activity of Engineering Services (71.12-0-00), signifying a dedication to creating architectural marvels infused with renewable energy.

The melody continues with a range of secondary activities, inviting engineers and professionals to engage in the artistry of Electrical Installation and Maintenance (43.21-5-00), Retail Sale of Electrical Material (47.42-3-00), Building Construction (41.20-4-00), Construction of Sports and Recreational Facilities (42.99-5-01), Intermediation and Agency Services in Business and General (74.90-1-04), Industrial Assembly Works (42.92-8-02), Waterproofing in Civil Engineering Works (43.30-4-01), and many more.

The symphony further resonates with activities encompassing diverse aspects of civil engineering, ranging from Construction of Roads and Railways (42.11-1-01) to Assembly of Metallic Structures (42.92-8-01), Demolition of Buildings and Other Structures (43.11-8-01), Hydraulic, Sanitary, and Gas Installations (43.22-3-01), Building Painting Services in General (43.30-4-04), Masonry Works (43.99-1-03), Urbanization Works – Streets, Squares, and Sidewalks (42.13-8-00), Foundation Works (43.91-6-00), Construction Management (43.99-1-01), Painting for Signs on Roadways and Airports (42.11-1-02), and a host of other endeavors.

Notably, Dp2 leaves no stone unturned in its pursuit of engineering excellence, engaging in works as diverse as the Drilling and Construction of Water Wells (43.99-1-05), contributing to a greener world with every drop of water secured.

Board of Visionaries: Illuminating the Future

The board of Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao echoes the symphony of vision and leadership. With Vinicius Siqueira da Silva and Vitor Siqueira da Silva at the helm, the company is guided by individuals who embody the essence of sustainable progress.

As Managing Partners, Vinicius and Vitor exemplify the commitment to engineering brilliance and environmental consciousness, setting a precedent for their team to follow. Their qualifications position them as visionaries, leading the charge in illuminating the path toward a greener, brighter future.

A Glimpse into the Future

The journey of Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao, since its inception on the 16th of February, 2022, has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. It has harnessed the power of solar energy and the brilliance of engineering to transform visions into reality.

As the company continues to shine, its commitment to sustainable engineering remains resolute. The symphony of architectural brilliance, renewable energy, and environmental consciousness resonates far and wide, illuminating the path toward a greener and brighter future for generations to come.

With each passing day, Dp2 embarks on a new venture, fueled by the determination to create a world where sustainability and progress harmonize, where energy is harnessed from the sun, and where construction is a testament to artistry and innovation.

In the realms of Pernambuco, Dp2 Energia Solar e Construcao stands as an emblem of hope, a catalyst for change, and a beacon of progress. Its story continues to unfold, forever etching its legacy in the annals of sustainable engineering.

Let us join hands in celebrating this remarkable journey, as Dp2 Solar Energy and Construction continues to pave the way for a brighter and greener tomorrow.

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